
These are the most important dietary measures for the patients suffering from the problem of kidney stones or recurrence of kidney stones :

1) You should drink enough water to produce a urine volume of at least 2.5-3 liters each day.

2) The first-time stone formers should moderate the intake of foods like tomato, brinjal, spinach, meat products, etc.

3) Limit the intake of additional salt in your diet. Prevent eating salty snacks and reduce the use of table salt over salads. Avoid eating pickles.

The above factors will help to prevent the recurrence of kidney stones.

In many cases, the patients avoid drinking milk and cut down on calcium intake, but it is not required. In fact, some patients prevent eating foods like cheese, eggs, etc, to maintain the level of uric acid in the body. But the intake of milk, curd and other calcium-rich foods in the patient’s diet is essential for the body. This is so because if you reduce the consumption of calcium in your diet, the intestine will absorb less amount of calcium and then the calcium will absorb in the bones leading to the formation of calcium oxalate stones. Thus, cutting down on calcium intake increases the chances of forming kidney stones. Similarly, if you consume a high intake of salt with the less consumption of calcium-rich foods, it will also lead to the development of more kidney stones.

Most importantly, consult your doctor once, twice or thrice a year so that you follow the instructions about the diet, preventions, etc. This effect is known as stone killing effect which states that your regular visit to the doctor will reduce the chances of the formation of stones to 40-50%.

This is the most frequently asked question by the patients who are having kidney stones. A very simple answer to this question is that you should drink at least 2.5-5 liters of fluid to get 2-2.5 liters of urine volume a day. In summers, when the temperature rises and the sweat rates are high, you should consume at least 4.5-5 liters of fluid intake. During the winters, drink at least 3.5 liters of fluid a day to get 2.5 liters of urine.