Welcome to Kapoor’s Kidney & Urostone Centre
NABH Certified
Welcome to Kapoor’s Kidney & Urostone Centre (KUC)–a premier Superspeciality Urology Hospital in Chandigarh. KUC is committed to providing it’s patients with international level comprehensive urology facilities with the latest technology and skills. KUC is also committed to it’s foundation principles of infusing ethics and a human touch, back into the field of medicine.
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We value our Patients and they value our service
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Recent News
RIRS Proctorship Programme 2019
RIRS (Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery) Proctorship Programme 2019 at Kapoor’s Kidney & Uro Stone Centre with Dr. Anshumaan V. Kapoor and Dr. Rajan Sharma as Operating [...]
Annual Conference of Urological Society of India in Bhubaneswar Odisha
Dr. Anshumann V Kapoor was cordially invited as Guest Speaker to the "Annual Conference of Urological Society of India", held from 23rd-26th January; 2019 in Bhubaneswar, Odisha , [...]
16th International Conference of Society of Surgeons of Nepal
Dr. Anshumann V Kapoor is cordially invited as Guest Speaker on 16th International Conference of Society of Surgeons of Nepal. Conference workshop aimed at Bipolar [...]
Experience Exceptional Healthcare at KUC
Our Aim is to provide our patients with exceptional healthcare service in a state-of-the-art medical facility by award-winning doctors.